What’s Wrong with Harley Quinn (Movie)?

Come August 5 fan will finally see Harley Quinn on the big screen with the release of Suicide Squad. While its about damn time that DC films finally create an IRL version, there are, as is to be expected, a smattering of fans who have been complaining about this new iteration of Harley Quinn. She does not have…

Frankenstein’s Dream: Lily’s Domesticity

Since the Season 3 opener of Penny Dreadful, I have been tryingto understand Dr. Frankenstein’s current frame of mind or where his story line is headed. Let me recap first… Episode 1: We meet Dr. Frankenstein’s old friend Dr. Jekyll. After a bit of catching up and an overview of Dr. Frankenstein’s poor life and health…

The Tragedy of Artemisia

If you haven’t seen 300: Rise of an Empire, then caution SPOILERS! beyond this point. At the end of the movie, there is a moment where Artemisia (Eva Green) hesitates before grabbing her fallen sword leading to her ultimate death. I am not bringing this scene up because the only lead female character dies. I…

Do People Need to See “Suffragette”?

YES! Everyone should see “Suffragette” I had the awesome opportunity to see “Suffragette” this past Saturday thanks to St. Cloud State University. I was educated, inspired and throughly entertained, just as I believe all movies should incite in their audience. “Suffragette” capped a weekend filled with video games and movies, which was juxtaposed with renting…

Politics 101: The Dystopia

Let me be honest. Politics are a messy confusing jumble of ideas and jargon that can be too complicated for the average person to probably comprehend. At least for me, this is how politics can feel, and I try to actively participate whenever I can. I glance over the news in hopes of keeping track…

Game of Thrones Seasons 6: My 6 Wants

If I could recommend anything to anyone, it is to get lost in something. Immerse yourself fully into something. Fall down the proverbial rabbit hole. At the end of the day it is our passions, which we would voluntarily do for hours every day, that make us happy. And it can be anything. For me,…