Do People Need to See “Suffragette”?

YES! Everyone should see “Suffragette” I had the awesome opportunity to see “Suffragette” this past Saturday thanks to St. Cloud State University. I was educated, inspired and throughly entertained, just as I believe all movies should incite in their audience. “Suffragette” capped a weekend filled with video games and movies, which was juxtaposed with renting…

Superhero Ethics

Ethics is, as simply put, one’s moral behavior. Essentially, it is deciding what is right and what is wring, but what’s important to remember is that ethics is different for everyone. Imagine this. Ethics is like finding a needle in a needle stack where everyone is looking for a different needle.

Politics 101: The Dystopia

Let me be honest. Politics are a messy confusing jumble of ideas and jargon that can be too complicated for the average person to probably comprehend. At least for me, this is how politics can feel, and I try to actively participate whenever I can. I glance over the news in hopes of keeping track…