

What would you look like if you could choose? Who would you be if you can be anyone? Unlike the average human being whose appearance is based on genetics, Mystique can be anyone. If she needs, she can be Professor X or the President of the United States. Beyond appearance, voice, fingerprints, etc., Mystique’s mutant abilities also allows her to be able to age slowly, increase her healing abilities and gives her an immunity to drugs and poisons. The only limit to her mutant power is that she cannot replicate another mutant’s power.

Mystique began and has always been a villain. She was introduced in the Ms. Marvel comics in issue #16. Before this point little is know about Mystique. Since her inception in Ms. Marvel #16, Mystique has mothered three children, worked for the government, led an evil group of mutants, and been a part of a long lasting same sex relationship.

During her time as Raven Darkhölme, Mystique adopted Rogue until she fell out of favor with her. She also mothered two children, each on either side of the mutant conflict. Her mutant son, Nightcrawler, is a mainstay in the X-Men, while Graydon Creed leads the most prominent mutant hate group.

Whether alone or working in a group, Mystique’s motivation primarily seems to be protecting and remaining loyal to mutantkind. In most cases, this does not include cooperating with human beings. After Magneto left, she created the second Brotherhood of Evil Mutants. She has fought and made enemies of nearly every X-Men, and always seems to be enjoying herself.


Signature Quotes & Images

One of the best parts of being a villain is the fact that you can say just about anything. Most of the time what you say is meant to anger the hero anyway, so why not say the craziest and wildest thing that you can think of. Mystique has said some pretty nuts things.

  • Kid, my clothes are just an extension of my body. I’m always
  • Who am I? That, my dear, is an excellent Though not one easily answered.
  • I have to admit, Danvers– –I never took you all that seriously.


Social Issues

“Mutant and Proud” is the greatest lessen that Mystique had to learn in X-Men: First Class (film). She had to accept who and what she was, including her blue skin. It cannot be the easiest thing to acknowledge that you are different than everyone else, especially when you can make yourself look like anyone.

This difference is what social issue she is dealing with. She is not and does not look like normal human beings, like Professor X does. And she is responding the only way she thinks is best to the hatred that she sees and experiences from human beings. She is the physical embodiment of “the other,” and what hatred and belittlement can do to a person and their psyche.

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